Spencer Allen

Sociology PhD Student at the University of Michigan

Spencer Allen (he/him) is a PhD student in Sociology at the University of Michigan and a predoctoral trainee in the Population Studies Center. Spencer's research agenda concerns population health inequality. In one line of research, he is currently developing a project that investigates the role of political polarization on health outcomes in the U.S. over the past 50 years. In two projects COVID-19-related projects, Spencer's research on the COVID-19 pandemic has looked at the role unequal broadband internet access is associated with disparate COVID-19 outcomes and at the role that the uneven temporal dynamics of the pandemic change our understanding of underlying social inequality. In a third set of projects, Spencer is also involved in a project that compares prospectively-collected survey responses from the American's Changing Lives Study across over three decades with retrospectively-collected responses to evaluate trends in recall error and recall bias.

Spencer currently serves as a Managing Editor at Social Science Research. Before starting graduate school, Spencer received a B.A. in Sociology from Dartmouth College.

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